International Literacy and Development was founded in 2011 to create innovative solutions for lasting change in education and literacy work. The Rohingya Program began in response to the community’s request for services in 2019.
górot made – in the home
Our staff, Rohingya interpreters, interns, and volunteers meet our community members where they are, in the home. Our programming was created specifically after a needs assessment was conducted by our program manager Miranda Kuykendall and Hannah Johnson (former ILAD Literacy Specialist) in 2019. Our work supports the Dallas Rohingya community with tools for English language-learning, acclimation to their new home and culture, and cultural preservation of their distinct heritage.
We partner with a number of area service agencies and with the Rohingya community as we build bridges together toward a bright future in their new American homes.
ILAD promotes human flourishing through educational, economic and social development in communities that are under-resourced.
We do this by partnering with communities to facilitate local solutions to local problems through our four core competencies; Agricultural Development, Educational Development, Business Development, and Human Language Technology.